Mal Andrews
Mal was discharged prior to graduation.
Geoff 'Bunny' Bunce
Geoff left the RAF as a WO in 1986 to live in Northants.
Jim 'Butch' Butcher
Retired as a WO in 1991, Jim then spent 2 years in Saudi Arabia before becoming General Manager of Debenham's Distribution Centre in Northampton.
Jim lived in Doncaster until he died on 2nd February 2015 after a short illness.
Roger Daniel MISM
Sighted in Labuan in 1964, Roger retired as a WO in 2000 and is currently Station Supply Manager at RAF Wyton and lives in Bedford.

Gordon 'Jock' Gourdie
Left the RAF in 1974 as a Jnr Tech, the last six years of service of which were as a Movements Controller with UK & NEAF MAMS.
'Jock' then did a Business Studies course and spent 10 years with BAC in Saudia Arabia. Then a further 20 years with them in UK before retiring to Euxton, Chorley, Lancs in 2008.

Dave Herring
Dave was sighted at Akrotiri in 1965 but now sadly deceased.
Harry Manning
He left the RAF as a Cpl in 1975. Harry was sighted in 1987 at Dharhan where he was a Supply Instructor with the RSAF.
It's believed that Harry then studied Law with OU and is living in Dorset.
Tom McClurg
Sighted as a WO at HQTSC High Wycombe in 1989. Tom retired in 1991 and lives in Elgin.
Ron 'Prof' Miller
Sighted at Honington in 1964, 'Prof' left the RAF as a Cpl in 1972, and lived in Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway.
Edward 'Nick' Moore
Nick left the RAF as a FS in 1985 to live in Littleworth, Staffs.
Mike 'Horse' Moore
Mike remustered to Movements Controller and left the RAF as a Jnr Tech in 1974 to live in Evesham, Worcs. Sadly died in 2000.
Dave Morgan
Initially posted to Marham, Dave got himself discharged in 1964 as he didn't fancy a year's unaccompanied tour three months after getting married.
Worked in the motor trade till 1979. Then he opened his own shops till 1992 and continued working in retail till retirement in 2009. He still does a few days a week to keep alive!

Doug 'Sharkie' Morgan - ex 43rd
'Sharkie' was sighted in Aden in 1967, remustered to Loadmaster in 1968 and - as a MALM - took a commission in 1985. He was at Lyneham on C130s in until 1989 when he was posted to HQSTC High Wycombe (HQ 38 Gp Standards Evaluation) as Fleet Chief ALM Examiner on fixed-wing up until his retirement, as a Sqn Ldr, in 2000.
As a civilian Doug became Project Officer for Heavy Aircraft at Boscombe Down. This entailed being editor and SME for all Pilot's Notes, Flight Reference Cards and Check Lists. He finally retired in 2009 and is living in Trowbridge, Wilts.
As you may recall, Doug had an Op whilst at AATS following a football injury. He continued to play for some years with similar results and now he can't get through a metal detector!
Dave 'Ginge' Newton